IMEMode Property

Returns or sets the description of the Japanese input rules. Can be one of the XlIMEMode constants listed in the following table. Read/write Long.


expression    Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.

Constant Description
xlIMEModeAlpha Half-width alphanumeric
xlIMEModeAlphaFull Full-width alphanumeric
xlIMEModeDisable Disable
xlIMEModeHiragana Hiragana
xlIMEModeKatakana Katakana
xlIMEModeKatakanaHalf Katakana (half-width)
xlIMEModeNoControl No control
xlIMEModeOff Off (English mode)
xlIMEModeOn On


Note that this property can be set only when Japanese language support has been installed and selected.


This example sets the data input rule for cell E5.

With Range("E5").Validation
    .Add Type:=xlValidateWholeNumber, _
        AlertStyle:= xlValidAlertStop, _
        Operator:=xlBetween, Formula1:="5", Formula2:="10"
    .InputTitle = "seisuuchiseisuuchiseisuuchi"
    .ErrorTitle = "seisuuchiseisuuchiseisuuchi"
    .InputMessage = "5 karakara 10 noseisuuseisuuonyuuryokunyuuryokushiteshitekudasaikudasaikudasaikudasai."
    .ErrorMessage = "nyuuryokunyuuryokudekirunowadekirunowadekirunowadekirunowadekirunowa 5 karakara 10 madenomadenomadenonedesudesu."
    .IMEMode = xlIMEModeAlpha
End With